Excerpted Oil Spill Intelligence Report dated 16 September 1999
Corexit 9500 Disperses IFO 180 Slick Off Texas
"Aerial application of Corexit 9500 substantially dispersed a slick of bunker fuel in the warm waters of the US Gulf of Mexico on 27 August…In the response, a DC-4 flown by Howard Barker of Airborne Support, Inc., applied 700 gallons (2.3 tonnes) of Corexit 9500…Spill coordinators decided to try dispersion 'to gain experience' given the favorable weather, the substantial distance from shore, and poor chances for effective skimming…"
Excerpted from Oil Spill Intelligence Report dated 8 October 1998
Corexit 9527 Disperses Crude Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
"A DC-3 and a DC-4 from Airborne Support, Inc. (ASI) of Houma, Louisiana, applied nearly 2,000 gallons (about 7,600 liters) of Corexit 9527 to the slick in six passes beginning at 5 pm LT on 1 October. The dosage was about 5 gallons per acre (about 7.5 liters per hectare)… 'It broke up into smaller patches immediately…' BP dispatched two skimming vessels and 30 other response craft to the spill site, but dispersion and evaporation left no recoverable oil on the surface."
Excerpted from Oil Spill Intelligence Report dated 29 January 1998
Texans Praise "Textbook" Dispersant Use on Pipeline, Tanker Spills
"Government officials and oil spill responders say aggressive applications of oil dispersant, rare for US waters, helped crews quickly control two substantial crude oil spills that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico from 23-25 January… 'It was textbook'… |